Renewable Energy Demonstration (RED)
A family-friendly display of renewable energy
Come visit the Renewable Energy Demonstration (RED) Display at Riley Park Community Garden to learn about viable energy alternatives to fossil fuels.
- Address: 50 E 30th Ave, Vancouver
- Free and accessible to the public.
- Please follow outdoor social-distancing guidelines while in the Riley Park Garden.
The RED Display features solar, wind, and hydro pumped storage technology with infographics to explain how each source generates energy. Visitors can compare how much energy each source is producing in real-time through a connected meter.
Future plans include a hand crank or a bicycle, so visitors can compare how much energy they produce manually in relation to different renewable energy sources.

The Display in progress in Riley Park Community Garden

The wind turbine attached to the roof of the display shed.

The conceptual map of the demonstration. There are four modules to the demonstration (Solar Power, Wind Power, Hydro Pumped Storage and Manual Power). Each module displays information on how much energy the module is producing at the time.
Display Uses
This project is a collaborative effort between SPEC’s Energy and Transportation Team, UBC Environmental Science students from ENVR400, and Riley Park.
The Energy & Transportation Team enjoys using the RED Display as a community gathering site for student groups, garden programs interested in energy, exhibits during events, such as the 2019 Lovin’ the Earth Climate Action Fair.