Elders Circle

Particularly at this time of urgent and intersecting crises, the need for wise and caring elders has never been greater

We work to empower Elders to claim a meaningful role in society and support younger generations as they build community and strengthen resilience in the face of profound challenges.

The SPEC Elders Circle is dedicated to empowering Elders by providing a supportive space where they can forge meaningful roles within society and share their legacies. The processes offered promote deep reflection, personal connection, and intimate discussion, enabling Elders to cultivate and disseminate their wisdom. Through targeted programming, Elders are encouraged to leverage their unique insights and skills to make substantial contributions to their communities, particularly in climate-related initiatives. 

Current Projects

Claiming our Role as Elders (CORE)

Program focused on encouraging elders to claim a societal role and share wisdom through legacy-making.

Guiding Elders for Organizations (GEO)

A training program on developing Guiding Elder knowledge and skills for organization participation.

Past Projects


Elders Circle Salons feature topics of interest to engaged elders and opportunities for deep reflection, personal connection, and intimate discussion. At each Elders Circle salon, elders and youngers gather to connect, explore, and grow.

Mutual Mentoring

There is a buzz of interest growing between elders and ‘youngers’ about how we can share our diverse skills, knowledge, and wisdom through intergenerational relations. Mutual mentoring is a way for people of different ages to connect and grow together into more diverse personal relationships, and ultimately, stronger communities.

Earth Treasure Vase

A global healing practice dedicated to bringing healing and protection to the regions where the vases are planted.

Articles from the Elders Circle:

Rebuilding Regenerative Society