
Catalyzing Collaboration Across Small-Scale, Diversified Agriculture Organizations

By Olga Lansdorp, Tara Moreau, and Robin Hadac Today, there is a group of individuals representing educational institutions, non-profit organizations, cooperatives, and other groups with a focus on small-scale, diversified agriculture, who are all aware of what the other organizations strive to accomplish over the next five years. They are also aware of the funding

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Is There Another Option? How Tupper Secondary School Reduced Waste by 600%

By Magali Vander Vorst, SPEC Board Member Image: Regan in the Tupper Secondary School’s Teaching Kitchen Patricia Regan is the chef and teacher at the Tupper Secondary School’s Teaching Kitchen, where they serve 120 to 140 meals a day and barely use any single-use plastic. Regan is a passionate educator who brings her sustainability values to

Is There Another Option? How Tupper Secondary School Reduced Waste by 600% Read More »

Bugging Out

By Olga Lansdorp, Project Coordinator, Climate Change Adaptation for Small Scale Farmers, Society Promoting Environmental Conservation Have you ever had your eyes opened to a new way of seeing the world, to find that there is no turning back? I first experienced this when I was 18 and worked studying birds in the Rocky Mountains;

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A New Perspective on Your Local Market

By Amrita Pooni Amrita is a student entering her final year of university. She is majoring in a B.A. of International Relations at the University of British Columbia. She is currently interning with the Society Promoting Environmental Conservation (SPEC) ​as the facilitator of the annual Westside Community Food Market (a partnership with Kitsilano Neighbourhood House)​.  As a student, working on the Westside Community Food Market has

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